
Drop your pup off in the morning to exercise and socialize with other dogs and pick up a tired & happy pet who’s ready to go home and relax with you after a long day. We group dogs according to temperament and provide a large, safe outdoor play area for them to explore. On warm days we provide wading pools for a fun way to keep them busy and cool!
We encourage you to review our complete pricing, and the facility’s boarding and daycare policies at the following link: Price List and Facility Terms.
- Initial Evaluation/Trial Day $25.00 (includes behavior assessment report)
- Full Day $20.00
- Half Day $10.00
*Morning: 7:00 am – 12:00 noon
”Afternoon: 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Doggy Daycare Passes
- 5-Day Pass $80.00 | $16.00 per day | Save $20.00
- 10-Day Pass $150.00 | $15.00 per day | Save $50.00
- 20-Day Pass $260.00 | $13.00 per day | Save $140.00
- 30-Day Pass $330.00 | $11.00 per day | Save $240.00
*Pass for 2nd dog is 1/2 price
*Passes are good for 6 months from date of purchase
*There are no returns or exchanges for unused pass days
- Late Pick-Up: between 7:00 pm & 7:15 pm – $10.00 per day or $150.00 per month additional
- House food: Diamond Brand – $2.00 per feeding